CleanSea's tips to stop ocean plastic
When millions of tonnes of plastic enters the ocean every single year, and since plastic has become such an integrated part of our everyday lives, it can feel like there's no way to stop the problem.
But here is our philosophy: Plastic enters the ocean one piece at a time, and together we can solve the problem one piece at a time. Like a wise person once said "Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."
Words to live by. So here are some small acts we can all do to stop plastic pollution, one piece at a time.

Skip single-use
Did you know a plastic bottle is used only a few minutes, but stays in the ocean for 450 years? Every minute, 1 million plastic bottles, and 2 million plastic bags are produced worldwide. By simply using less unnecessary plastic, we will shape a cleaner future for the ocean together. Switch to reusables instead.

Do a cleanup!
Doing a cleanup is one of the absolute best ways to make a clear impact for the ocean! Every piece of plastic removed is one step closer to a clean ocean.
So get together with a couple of friends and go out to your local beach or coastline, and organize your own cleanup! It's always a good time being by the beautiful ocean making an impact! And removing trash in cities can be just as important. Trash often makes its way into rivers, lakes or the ocean via the sewer system. So cleaning in the city can actually save lives in the ocean!

Eat less fish
40% of the plastic we find on the west coast of Sweden comes from the fishing industry. Ropes, discarded nets, fishing line, gloves and fishing crates. This "ghost gear" is a big threat to marine life such as seabirds, fish, sharks, sea turtles, whales or curious seals which easily get stuck in it. Our oceans are also being overfished, biodiversity and marine habitats are being destroyed at an alarming rate. So one of the best things you can do to stop plastic pollution, and keep our oceans full of life, is to eat less fish.

Join the CleanSea mission!
Do you also want to join the CleanSea mission to protect our oceans? By getting a CleanSea bracelet you will fund our removal of 1 more kilo of harmful trash from the ocean on the west coast of Sweden!
Bays cleaned.
74 000+
Kg ocean trash removed.